Our "Other" visitors
Yes, "Bugs" (Eastern Cottontail) has invaded the garden. When we saw the first few, some folks thought they were cute. But rabbits breed like rabbits, and they are now a devastating pest within the garden. Most gardeners now have to rabbit-proof their plots/beds in order to get a harvest that is not eaten.
Monarch Butterfly
Cabbage White
Eastern Tail Blue butterfly
Coopers Hawk
Juvenile Coopers Hawks are often seen in the garden during springtimes. During the 2016 season, it spend most of the summer in the garden. Not sure if it was attracted to rabbits, squirrels or rats. In either case, we certainly welcome natural pest control to the garden!
From the garden, we cal also often see the city's Red Tail hawks circling above, but so far haven't seen one actually in the garden.
From the garden, we cal also often see the city's Red Tail hawks circling above, but so far haven't seen one actually in the garden.
Red-Tailed Hawk
Autumn brings the hawks back to the garden. Maybe enough greenery has gone they can now spot wildlife…
Cedar Waxwing
Our masked friend seems to be new to the garden... He loved the holly berries that were still there in over winter into the spring.
Eastern Wood-Pewee
American Robin
(Internet Image) A regular visitor, especially after people turn over this soil (tasty worms)
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal (Male and Female)
A Regular garden visitor throughout the spring/summer/fall
Blue Jays
Another year-round garden visitor
Dark-eyed Junko
They pass through on their migration path
Downy Woodpecker
A year-round resident of the neighborhood
European Starling
Like the Grackles, a year round nusance. :)
Hermit Thrush
Mourning Dove
Song Sparrow
They tend to like the Honeysuckle and Sunflowers
Black-capped Chickadee
These guys actually nested in a gardeners' birdhouse this past year (2021)
Common Yellowthroat
House FInch
They pass through on their migration path
Goldfinch & Downy Woodpecker feast on a garden sunflower
Seen any unique visitors to the garden? Post some photos to our Facebook page!